Team Netherlands AOS Team Charter


Who Are We? What Do We Do?

Team Netherlands AOS are a group of Warhammer Age of Sigmar players from around the country.

Our mission is to represent The Netherlands at the AoS Worlds by sending a team of 6 players plus support members (such as non-playing coaches) to the event. The AoS Worlds is an annual Warhammer Age of Sigmar team tournament where teams represent their countries to see which nation can be crowned the best of Europe. This will be the first time the Netherlands will be represented at the AoS Worlds and we’re very excited to finally take part.

In order to end up as high as possible at the event, we want to assemble a team that has the biggest chance to achieve that goal.

In preparation for AoS Worlds and with the aim to have the best possible chance of success at the tournament, we will try to play a lot of competitive AOS! This includes team practice days, attending Matched Play events in The Netherlands and abroad.

What is AoS Worlds?

The AoS Worlds is an event created for the players, by the players. The most important goal for the AoS Worlds is to hold a yearly event where players from all over the world meet up and have fun. Like most tournaments, it also provides the framework for meeting up and socializing.

Every attendee is expected to behave like a gentleman, who shows respect and shares the fun with the other players. This applies to both during and surrounding the games and includes making sure to keep things tidy and clean on-site.

The AoS Worlds aims to be the most prestigious team tournament there is by drawing the most skilled players from any country that has a gaming community. Now, what defines “the most skilled players” is a matter of interpretation. The organization of AoS Worlds leaves it to the participating countries’ communities to decide how they organize their team selection. The AoS Worlds is an event, not a federation, and as such has no vocation in influencing each community’s approach to the hobby.

The AoS Worlds is a fun tournament, and while it has all the elements of a good time with friends and the Warhammer community, there is a little bit more to it than a regular tournament or a GT. To understand how AoS Worlds works we strongly advise everyone to read this document before filling in the application form.

The official AoS Worlds language is English, therefore it is a must that each team member is able to communicate fluently in English.

How Can I Get Involved?

Getting involved is very simple, becoming a team member to represent the Netherlands will require a bit more effort though. Here you will find a link to the application form for Team Netherlands AOS. We intend to start the selection procedure after March 26, so please fill in your application before then.

We will take the weeks following March 26 to get in touch with everyone who applied, either in person or through an online meeting. Our aim is to play at least one game with each applicant as well, either physically or through Table Top Simulator (if there is no other option), so we can get to know our potential team members where it matters most: at the gaming table.

As soon as the Covid rules allow us, we will start planning in practice days and meetings, which will help us to determine which players will join the team.
The actual selection process will take a longer period of time and we intend to keep playing together with applicants for several months before finalizing the team. This way we hope to discover each player’s strength and to give all who are interested in participating the chance to prove themselves as potentially valuable assets to the team, both as an AOS player and as a team member.

What is expected from you as a member of the AoS Worlds team?

 If you make the cut to the AoS Worlds team, you obviously will be expected to play a lot of AOS. This is probably not a problem for most of us, but the team will have to consist of players who are well-practiced in their list. What this means is committing to playing at as many matched play events as possible and making the time for both team practice events and team meetings and video calls. If you currently are not a resident in The Netherlands, we would ask you to make the effort to attend as many training days as you can.

The AoS Worlds as a team event has its own rules about army building and pairing. Because of this, and in order to create the best possible match-ups, army lists can be very different from the ones you would normally play on a regular tournament.

Besides the obvious preparations in terms of gaming, behind the scenes, there is quite a lot of work in terms of organization. Arranging accommodation, trying to find sponsors, arranging materials for the team (such as shirts), arranging training events, painting armies, and managing social media, just to name a few. To keep these tasks manageable, we expect each team member to pitch in and do their fair bit.

And probably most important of all, even though AoS Worlds is a competitive event, we expect our team members to behave reasonably in any given situation. Be aware that you’re not just representing the team, but also the Dutch AOS community as a whole. So always be a gentleman and be respectful to other players and your teammates so that everyone can have a good time.

For further information, you can contact:


Agnes Feher 
Twitter: Quassana
Discord: Khatif

Or send an email to